Thursday, May 26, 2011


Marketing is the science of shovelling shit to pigs.

Its methodologies mark milestones on our journey as we wander in the desert of the real; de-politicised, amputated and deserted.

At the coal face, wonderful things happen and the most artful factors of a 'service component' are the sugar coats on a toxic pill. The organically compromised lifeline thrown to you in the desert; "express yourself. I believe you."

We want to believe in this, after all if we can consume our way out and believe the message- then it reinforces a marketing sponsored oasis; a post-consumer post-human utopia. A world where we are truly free to exercise our techno-liberal rights of manipulation. We can be whoever we choose and happily be provided (sold) the flavour of shit we are to wallow in.

This absolute absurdity at its extreme makes marketing an art. Amputation with a human face.
